Progress of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery in China
Progress of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery in China
Microbial flooding was a general designation of a series of technologies to increase oil production by propagation and metabolites of microbes. In the current situation of low oil price, microbial flooding was a prospective technology for enhanced oil recovery, especially for the marginal reservoir and /or uneconomical reservoir, and the microbial flooding was a potential alternative to other EOR/ IOR methods, as it was being implementing with satisfactory results not only from technology point of view but also from having lesser environmental impact. Compared with thermal flooding and gas flooding, the preeminent advantages of microbial flooding were environmentally friendly characteristics and the lowest cost for increasing oil production.
Compared with other technologies of EOR, the distinct advantages of microbial flooding include the low energy consumed by microorganism, the combination of multiple mechanism and the reduced loss caused by degradation by some of the endogenous microorganism. The microbial flooding was used in a wide range, including high water cut, heavy oil, marginal reservoir and post- polymer flooding reservoir and so on. It could be applied to sandstone, carbonate, light oil, heavy oil, mid/high permeability and low permeability reservoir. Microbial flooding could be divided into indigenous microbial flooding and exogenous microbial flooding according to the source of the strains.
Exogenous microorganism indicated that the suitable microbes screened on the similar condition as but not in the reservoirs were injected into underground, and to increased oil production by using its propagation and metabolites. Indigenous microorganism means microbes were developed by remaining oil as the carbon source on the basis of the active matter existed in formations, and introducing the air and the inorganic salt with phosphorus source and nitrogen source when injecting water. Indigenous microorganism flooding was the development trend with the advantages of good adaptability and avoiding of microbes culture development and production process.
The three basic types of microbial processes for oil recovery were well simulation, well bore clean up, and enhanced water flooding. The oil recovery was mainly decided by the oil displacement efficiency and sweep oil efficiency. Microorganism could not only had double mechanism of improving the displacement efficiency and sweep oil efficiency. While in the laboratory experiments, the oil recovery could be increased by 10% by microorganism on the basis of water flooding, and increased by 5% by using microbial flooding and by 16% by combined microbial-chemical flooding after polymer flooding.
Microorganism could be prevented from being produced by combining the nutrition gel system and microbial flooding. In the model 1400mD, the oil recovery could be increased by 18.4%. A lot of experiments about microbial flooding and field had been studied in China. On the basis of the 6 field experiments, three large scale leading experiments were in process, and significant results of reducing water cut and increasing oil had been achieved. The experience of field was not only beneficial to deep recognition of microbial flooding mechanism, but also would provide evidence for industrial application to microbial flooding.
Compared with other technologies of EOR, the distinct advantages of microbial flooding include the low energy consumed by microorganism, the combination of multiple mechanism and the reduced loss caused by degradation by some of the endogenous microorganism. The microbial flooding was used in a wide range, including high water cut, heavy oil, marginal reservoir and post- polymer flooding reservoir and so on. It could be applied to sandstone, carbonate, light oil, heavy oil, mid/high permeability and low permeability reservoir. Microbial flooding could be divided into indigenous microbial flooding and exogenous microbial flooding according to the source of the strains.
Exogenous microorganism indicated that the suitable microbes screened on the similar condition as but not in the reservoirs were injected into underground, and to increased oil production by using its propagation and metabolites. Indigenous microorganism means microbes were developed by remaining oil as the carbon source on the basis of the active matter existed in formations, and introducing the air and the inorganic salt with phosphorus source and nitrogen source when injecting water. Indigenous microorganism flooding was the development trend with the advantages of good adaptability and avoiding of microbes culture development and production process.
The three basic types of microbial processes for oil recovery were well simulation, well bore clean up, and enhanced water flooding. The oil recovery was mainly decided by the oil displacement efficiency and sweep oil efficiency. Microorganism could not only had double mechanism of improving the displacement efficiency and sweep oil efficiency. While in the laboratory experiments, the oil recovery could be increased by 10% by microorganism on the basis of water flooding, and increased by 5% by using microbial flooding and by 16% by combined microbial-chemical flooding after polymer flooding.
Microorganism could be prevented from being produced by combining the nutrition gel system and microbial flooding. In the model 1400mD, the oil recovery could be increased by 18.4%. A lot of experiments about microbial flooding and field had been studied in China. On the basis of the 6 field experiments, three large scale leading experiments were in process, and significant results of reducing water cut and increasing oil had been achieved. The experience of field was not only beneficial to deep recognition of microbial flooding mechanism, but also would provide evidence for industrial application to microbial flooding.
Source : SPE-174697-MS
Kemajuan Pemulihan Minyak yang Ditingkatkan Mikroba
di Cina
Banjir mikroba adalah sebutan umum dari serangkaian teknologi untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak dengan propagasi dan metabolit mikroba. Dalam situasi harga minyak saat ini yang rendah, banjir mikroba adalah teknologi prospektif untuk meningkatkan pemulihan minyak, terutama untuk reservoir marginal dan / atau reservoir tidak ekonomis, dan banjir mikroba merupakan alternatif potensial untuk metode EOR / IOR lainnya, karena sedang dikembangkan. menerapkan dengan hasil yang memuaskan tidak hanya dari sudut pandang teknologi tetapi juga dari memiliki dampak lingkungan yang lebih rendah. Dibandingkan dengan banjir termal dan banjir gas, keuntungan utama dari banjir mikroba adalah karakteristik ramah lingkungan dan biaya terendah untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak.Dibandingkan dengan teknologi EOR lainnya, keuntungan nyata dari banjir mikroba termasuk energi rendah yang dikonsumsi oleh mikroorganisme, kombinasi beberapa mekanisme dan berkurangnya kerugian yang disebabkan oleh degradasi oleh beberapa mikroorganisme endogen. Banjir mikroba digunakan dalam kisaran luas, termasuk potongan air yang tinggi, minyak berat, reservoir marginal dan reservoir banjir pasca-polimer dan sebagainya. Ini dapat diterapkan pada batu pasir, karbonat, minyak ringan, minyak berat, permeabilitas menengah / tinggi dan reservoir permeabilitas rendah. Banjir mikroba dapat dibagi menjadi banjir mikroba asli dan banjir mikroba eksogen sesuai dengan sumber strain.
Mikroorganisme eksogen menunjukkan bahwa mikroba yang cocok disaring pada kondisi yang sama seperti tetapi tidak di reservoir disuntikkan ke bawah tanah, dan untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak dengan menggunakan perbanyakan dan metabolitnya. Mikroorganisme asli berarti mikroba dikembangkan dengan sisa minyak sebagai sumber karbon berdasarkan bahan aktif yang ada dalam formasi, dan memasukkan udara dan garam anorganik dengan sumber fosfor dan sumber nitrogen ketika menyuntikkan air. Banjir mikroorganisme asli adalah tren pengembangan dengan keunggulan kemampuan beradaptasi yang baik dan menghindari pengembangan kultur mikroba dan proses produksi.
Tiga jenis dasar proses mikroba untuk perolehan minyak adalah simulasi sumur, pembersihan sumur bor, dan peningkatan banjir air. Pemulihan minyak terutama ditentukan oleh efisiensi perpindahan minyak dan efisiensi penyapuan minyak. Mikroorganisme tidak hanya memiliki mekanisme ganda untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perpindahan dan efisiensi oli. Sementara dalam percobaan laboratorium, perolehan kembali minyak dapat ditingkatkan 10% oleh mikroorganisme berdasarkan banjir air, dan meningkat 5% dengan menggunakan banjir mikroba dan 16% oleh gabungan mikroba-kimiawi banjir setelah banjir polimer.
Mikroorganisme dapat dicegah dari diproduksi dengan menggabungkan sistem gel nutrisi dan banjir mikroba. Dalam model 1400mD, pemulihan minyak dapat ditingkatkan sebesar 18,4%. Banyak percobaan tentang banjir dan medan mikroba telah dipelajari di Cina. Atas dasar 6 percobaan lapangan, tiga percobaan terkemuka skala besar sedang dalam proses, dan hasil yang signifikan dari pengurangan pemotongan air dan peningkatan minyak telah dicapai. Pengalaman lapangan tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi pengakuan mendalam tentang mekanisme banjir mikroba, tetapi juga akan memberikan bukti untuk aplikasi industri terhadap mikroba banjir.
Sumber : SPE-174697-M
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